\n \n
Knowledge Exchange Hub

\n We would love to hear from you if you have any feedback about the Shared Prosperity Index (SPI) Project. Our data comes from multiple sources which are subject to revisions and updates. Please let us know if you uncover any discrepancies in the data. Also, if you believe that you have access to data which could be of benefit to this project, then please contact us.


\n Please contact us if you would like to discuss a specific consulting engagement with the Knowledge Exchange Hub, or would like a customised analysis or presentation about SPI in the context of your business or industry.\n


\n We also encourage you to share the information and analysis contained in this website. For information about how to do this, please refer to our\n Terms of use.\n \n

  • \n \n
    \n Massey University Albany Campus,

    Dairy Flat Highway (SH17), Auckland 0632, New Zealand\n
  • \n
  • \n Christoph Schumacher (Director)\n

    \n   c.schumacher@massey.ac.nz\n\n
  • \n
  • \n Teo Susnjak (Data Scientist & Web Developer)\n

    \n   t.susnjak@massey.ac.nz\n\n
  • \n
    \n\n\n {/*\n \n */}\n\n \n \n \n\n
\n {/* */}\n {/*
Imperdiet libero vitae
  • \n
    \n Fermentum mauris\n
    \n \n Friday, 6th April 2045\n \n

    \n Sit amet pharetra mauris eros ut turpis curabitur\n molestie…\n

  • \n
  • \n
    \n Enim tempor neque\n
    \n \n Thursday, 5th April 2045\n \n

    \n Hendrerit justo cras in nulla a mi aliquet tempus\n integer…\n

  • \n

\n Copyright © 2019 - Massey University - All Rights Reserved.\n \n

\n \n );\n}\n\nexport default Footer;\n","import React, { Component } from 'react';\nimport {\n Collapse, Navbar, NavbarToggler, NavbarBrand, NavLink\n} from 'reactstrap';\nimport '../styles/Menu.css';\n\nimport IndicatorData from '../indicators.json';\n\n//Import HashLink for anchor tags link to sections on another page correctly\nimport { HashLink as Link } from 'react-router-hash-link';\n\n//Import logos\nimport MasseyLogo from \"../images/masseylogo.jpg\";\nimport KEHLogo from \"../images/kehlogo.png\";\nimport SPILogo from \"../images/SPI_Blue.jpg\";\n\n\n\nclass Menu extends Component {\n constructor(props) {\n super(props);\n\n this.toggle = this.toggle.bind(this);\n this.state = {\n isOpen: false\n };\n }\n toggle() {\n this.setState({\n isOpen: !this.state.isOpen\n });\n }\n render() {\n\n return (\n\n \n
\n \n\n \"Massey\n\n \n \n\n \"Knowledge\n\n \n
\n\n \n\n \"Home\"\n\n \n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n \n\n \n\n\n
\n );\n }\n}\n\n\n\nclass Submenu_Dimensions extends Component {\n constructor(props) {\n super(props);\n }\n\n\n RenderInidcatorLink(dimansionName) {\n\n return (\n
  • \n {dimansionName}\n
  • \n\n );\n\n }\n\n render() {\n\n let indData = this.props.IndicatorData;\n if (indData == null) {\n indData = IndicatorData;\n }\n\n //console.log(\"MENU\");\n //console.log(this.props.IndicatorData);\n //console.log(IndicatorData);\n //console.log(indData);\n\n let dimensionLinks = [];\n //console.log(\"UYGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGVGV\");\n //console.log(this.props.IndicatorData);\n for (var i in indData) {\n if (indData[i].hasOwnProperty('OfficialTitle')) {\n dimensionLinks.push(\n this.RenderInidcatorLink(indData[i]['OfficialTitle'])\n );\n }\n }\n //console.log(dimensionLinks);\n //console.log(\"anyhing?\");\n\n return (\n
      \n {dimensionLinks}\n {/*
    • \n Income and Wealth \n
    • \n\n
    • \n Employment\n
    • \n
    • \n Industry Sector Predictions\n
    • */}\n
    \n );\n }\n}\nclass Submenu_OtherProjects extends React.Component {\n render() {\n return (\n \n )\n }\n}\n\n\nclass Submenu_TechnicalDetails extends React.Component {\n render() {\n return (\n
    • \n Detailed Article\n
    • \n\n {/*
    • \n Limitations \n
    • */}\n
    \n )\n }\n}\n\n\nclass Submenu_Commentary extends React.Component {\n constructor(props) {\n super(props);\n }\n\n render() {\n return (\n
    • \n GDP Background\n
    • \n
    \n )\n }\n}\n\nclass Submenu_About extends React.Component {\n render() {\n return (\n
    • \n Knowledge Exchange Hub\n
    • \n\n
    • \n Team\n
    • \n\n
    • \n Disclaimer\n
    • \n\n
    • \n Terms of Use\n
    • \n\n {/*
    • \n Limitations \n
    • */}\n
    \n )\n }\n}\n\n\nexport default Menu;\n\n","//Import react\nimport React, { Component } from \"react\";\n\n//Import banner\n//import Banner from \"../images/flag-background.png\";\n// import Background Video\n// import BackVideo from \"../images/fern-1024.mp4\";\n// import BackVideo2 from \"../images/fern-1024.webm\";\n\nimport BackVideo3 from \"../images/3.8-fern.mp4\";\nimport BackVideo4 from \"../images/3.8-fern.webm\";\n\n\n//Import components\n//import Menu from \"./Menu.js\";\nimport Menu from \"./NewMenu.js\";\n\nimport '../styles/videobackground.css';\nimport '../styles/layout.css';\n\n\n\n/**\n * Component Header\n * - Header of the Dashboard. Includes the menu component\n * \n * Props:\n * - ChangeViewButtonClick : function passed from dashboard, handles swapping of nationa/regional views on click of buttons\n * \n * - PredictionData : the jsondata, used in this component to get the data of the last prediction and the last inputs date\n * \n * State:\n * - repeatCycleTimeoutCode, cycleButtonCodes : store timeout codes for the button cycling. \n * \n * - Timeout events need to be cancelled otherwise website will crash when navigating of the dashboard\n * \n * - lastButtonCycled : used to check the last button which was animated \n * \n */\n\n//Animation interval for button cycling\n\nclass Header extends Component {\n constructor(props) {\n super(props);\n this.state = {\n repeatCycleTimeoutCode: null,\n cycleButtonTimeoutCodes: null,\n lastButtonCycled: null\n };\n\n this.SetButton = this.SetButton.bind(this);\n }\n\n //Start button cycling on component mount\n componentDidMount() {\n }\n\n //Clear timeouts on component unmount otherwise app will crash when navigating away from dashboard\n componentWillUnmount() {\n for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {\n //clearTimeout(this.state.cycleButtonTimeoutCodes[i]);\n }\n //clearTimeout(this.state.repeatCycleTimeoutCode);\n }\n\n\n\n //Called inside the for loop in CycleButtons\n SetButton(button) {\n //Remove the animation from the last button that was cycled\n if (this.state.lastButtonCycled != null) {\n this.state.lastButtonCycled.classList.remove(\"animationMenu\");\n }\n\n //Add the animation to the next button and save to state\n button.classList.add(\"animationMenu\");\n this.setState({ lastButtonCycled: button });\n }\n\n render() {\n return (\n
    \n {/* Menu, call the menu component with the ChangeViewButtonClick function recieved from Dashbaord */}\n {/* TODO: Check original! - Changed menu to menu2 created by Boostrap */}\n \n
    \n \n

    New Zealand Shared Prosperity Index


    Annual tracking of national prosperity across multiple dimensions

    \n\n {/* Start of Overview */}\n

    \n Shared Prosperity in New Zealand\n


    \n Global prosperity has been rising for more a decade, and New Zealand has benefitted from this trend, ranking the second most prosperous country in the world in 2018*. However, there are signs in many countries, including New Zealand, that as overall prosperity increases, there are some people being left further and further behind. This has prompted increasing public debate about whether the current economic model, shared by many of the wealthier countries in the world, still delivers sufficient benefits for everyone, or whether it is advantaging a sector of society at the expense of the rest.\n


    \n By almost all measures, New Zealand is a prosperous country, with solid GDP growth, healthy surpluses, low unemployment and crown debt. Yet on the flipside it seems the gap between the haves and the have-nots is growing, with income inequality, child poverty and homelessness rising. Those most affected are low-income Māori and Pacific Peoples communities and certain sectors of the community like the elderly and children. It is not something that sits well with many Kiwis who have prided themselves as belonging to one of the most egalitarian nations in the world. In fact, New Zealanders have consistently rated inequality as the single biggest issue facing the country since 2014, with more than 80 per cent of the country saying they are concerned or very concerned about income and wealth imbalances.\n


    \n Declining shared prosperity has been linked at a macro level to trends like globalization and advancements in technology, both of which tend to disproportionately affect the poor. At a domestic level the origins for New Zealand go back to the economic reforms of the 1980s when free-market policies were introduced in an effort to modernise New Zealand's heavily regulated economy. The transition was hard and New Zealand battled through soaring unemployment (from restructuring the public sector and the effects of an open economy) and inflation.\n


    \n Tax reforms in the 1980s reduced the top marginal income tax rate from 66 percent to 33 percent and a consumption tax (GST) was introduced in 1986. Welfare reforms were also introduced during this period to encourage people off welfare and into work. Social welfare benefits were cut in the early 1990s along with the messaging that welfare was to give a hand up not a hand out. The period from 1998 to 2006 was a period of strong growth in New Zealand, but also a time of increasing inequality. The gap between high and low-income earners grew strongly over this time and continued throughout the 2000s. By 2013, the disposable income of high-income households was more than two and a half times more than that of low-income households. This was partially offset for middle and low-income earners with the introduction of Working for Families in 2014, but the country has never regained the levels of equality seen prior to the late-1980s. In recent years, rising house costs have compounded this effect, creating a breeding ground for unequal distribution of prosperity.\n


    \n *according to the Legatum Prosperity Index 2018\n


      Background to the Shared Prosperity Index

      \n {/* TODO: Image removed! Ask about the image */}\n {/* */}\n

      \n The Shared Prosperity Index was developed to identify the level of shared prosperity in New Zealand at any given point in time. The central tenant of the Shared Prosperity Index is that a prosperous society is one where everyone has the opportunity to take part and share in the generated wealth and benefits of a modern economy.


      \n The Index takes a broad view of what prosperity means in New Zealand. Prosperity is not limited to material income and wealth but includes access to healthcare and education, the availability of affordable housing, and employment opportunities that enable its citizens to flourish and realise their ambitions. New Zealanders feel less prosperous when they are vulnerable to high rates of violent crime and expanding prison populations.


      \n In an economy that fairly shares its prosperity people believe there is some possibility of social mobility, and that they will be able to realise their potential. If they don’t believe this, and where they are surrounded by extreme inequalities, they are more likely to feel discontented and resentful.


      \n The aim of the Shared Prosperity Index is to shine a light on the level of shared prosperity in New Zealand and in doing so to encourage debate, and further study, about the subject.


      \n The Shared Prosperity Index scores the country based on Eight Dimensions: Income & Wealth, Socio-economic Wellbeing, Health, Education, Employment, Housing, Safety & Security and General Equality. The score is a measure of the country’s performance based on that particular dimension. The average of all the dimensions gives an overall shared prosperity score.\n

      \n {/* End of Overview */}\n
      \n );\n }\n}\n\nexport default Header;\n\n\n","//Import react\nimport React, { Component } from \"react\";\nimport { MDBRow, MDBCol, MDBIcon } from \"mdbreact\";\nimport { HashLink as Link } from 'react-router-hash-link';\nimport { Link as Link2 } from 'react-router-dom'\nimport Popup from 'reactjs-popup';\nimport Modal from 'react-responsive-modal';\nimport { FaInfoCircle } from 'react-icons/fa';\n\n\nimport '../../node_modules/react-accessible-accordion/dist/fancy-example.css';\n\n//Import main stylesheet\nimport \"../styles/popups.css\";\n//import console = require(\"console\");\n//import console = require(\"console\");\n\n\nconst Card = ({ title, info }) => (\n
      \n {/*info */}\n
      \n);\n\n/*const CreateToolTip = ({ title, info }) => (\n }\n position=\"top center\"\n on=\"hover\"\n >\n \n \n);*/\n\nconst CreateToolTip = ({ title, info }) => {\n return (\n < Popup\n trigger={}\n position=\"top center\"\n >\n




      \n \n );\n};\n\n\n\nclass DimensionTemplate extends Component {\n constructor(props) {\n super(props);\n this.state = {\n open: false,\n graphTitle: \"\",\n idx: 1,\n previewImage: null,\n };\n }\n\n ChangeGraph(title, index, image) {\n //Check that this is a new graph\n if (title !== this.state.graphTitle) {\n this.setState({ graphTitle: title, idx: index, previewImage: image });\n }\n }\n\n /** on Component Mount, create a string array of Plotly Url's and save to state\n * use these url's to retrieve preview images of graphs from /public folder\n */\n componentWillMount() {\n\n }\n\n onOpenModal = () => {\n this.setState({ open: true });\n };\n\n onCloseModal = () => {\n this.setState({ open: false });\n };\n\n\n RenderIndicator(graphIndex) {\n /**\n * Render a single row in the table\n * \n * Each row onClick changes the graph above this component using function passed through props\n * \n * Each image in the row has a hover event which calls the DisplayHoverGraph function\n */\n\n let urlParametrs = \".embed?link=false&modebar=false&autosize=True&width=100%\";\n let jpegParameters = \".jpeg?link=false&modebar=false&autosize=True&width=350&height=170\";\n let plotlyPath = this.props.IndicatorData['Indicators'][this.props.IndicatorData['Website']['IndicatorGraphs'][graphIndex]]['plotly_file_path'];\n const { open } = this.state;\n let idx = this.state.idx;\n let plotlyFileName = ''\n\n if (idx == 0) {\n idx = idx + 1;\n plotlyFileName = this.props.IndicatorData['plotly_file_path'] + urlParametrs;\n } else {\n plotlyFileName = this.props.IndicatorData['Indicators'][this.props.IndicatorData['Website']['IndicatorGraphs'][this.state.idx]]['plotly_file_path'] + urlParametrs;\n }\n\n return (\n
      \n \n
      \n\n\n \n this.ChangeGraph(this.props.IndicatorData['Website']['IndicatorGraphs'][graphIndex], graphIndex, null)}\n style={{ display: \"block\", color: \"black\" }}\n id={this.props.IndicatorData['Website']['IndicatorGraphs'][graphIndex]}\n >\n \n \n\n


      \n \n \n
      \n\n\n \n ' +\n \"Rationale: \" + this.props.IndicatorData['Indicators'][this.props.IndicatorData['Website']['IndicatorGraphs'][graphIndex]]['Rationale'] + '
      ' +\n \"Weight: \" + this.props.IndicatorData['Indicators'][this.props.IndicatorData['Website']['IndicatorGraphs'][graphIndex]]['Weight'] + '
      ' +\n \"Data Source: \" + this.props.IndicatorData['Indicators'][this.props.IndicatorData['Website']['IndicatorGraphs'][graphIndex]]['Source'] + '
      ' +\n \"No. of values: \" + this.props.IndicatorData['Indicators'][this.props.IndicatorData['Website']['IndicatorGraphs'][graphIndex]]['No. of values'] + '
      ' +\n \"Year of last recorded value: \" + this.props.IndicatorData['Indicators'][this.props.IndicatorData['Website']['IndicatorGraphs'][graphIndex]]['Year of last recorded value'] + '
      ' +\n \"Min value: \" + this.props.IndicatorData['Indicators'][this.props.IndicatorData['Website']['IndicatorGraphs'][graphIndex]]['Min value'] + '
      ' +\n \"Max value: \" + this.props.IndicatorData['Indicators'][this.props.IndicatorData['Website']['IndicatorGraphs'][graphIndex]]['Max value']\n\n } />\n
      \n \n \n \n \n
      \n );\n }\n\n render() {\n\n const { open } = this.state;\n let indicatorGraphSections = [];\n //console.log(this.props['Website']['IndicatorGraphs'])\n //console.log(this.props['Website']['IndicatorGraphs'])\n for (let i = 1; i < this.props.IndicatorData['Website']['IndicatorGraphs'].length - 1; i++) {\n indicatorGraphSections.push(\n this.RenderIndicator(i)\n );\n }\n\n let descriptionText = \" There are \" + Object.keys(this.props.IndicatorData['Indicators']).length.toString() + \" indicators that contribute to this dimension.\"\n //console.log(\"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA: \" + this.props.DimensionKey)\n return (\n\n\n
      \n {/* */}\n
    • \n

      About {this.props.IndicatorData['OfficialTitle']}

    • \n\n
    • \n

      Key Findings

    • \n\n
    • \n\n
    • \n

      Key Indicators

      \n {indicatorGraphSections}\n\n {/*\n See all dimension graphs\n \n
      \n »\n \n */}\n\n \n See all indicators\n \n \n \n \n \n\n );\n }\n}\n\nconst ColoredLine = ({ spec }) => (\n \n);\n\nexport default DimensionTemplate;\n","//Import React\nimport React, { Component, useRef } from \"react\";\nimport { Card, CardImg, CardBody, CardTitle, CardSubtitle, Col } from \"reactstrap\";\nimport { MDBRow, MDBCol, MDBIcon } from \"mdbreact\";\nimport ScrollUpButton from \"react-scroll-up-button\";\nimport { FaInfoCircle } from 'react-icons/fa';\n\n\n//Import main stylesheet\nimport \"../styles/layout.css\";\n\n//Styles for toggle component\nimport \"../styles/toggle.css\";\n\n//Import components\nimport Footer from \"./Footer.js\";\nimport Header from \"./Header.js\";\n\nimport DimensionTemplate from \"./DimensionTemplate.js\"\n\nimport Popup from 'reactjs-popup';\nimport Modal from 'react-responsive-modal';\n\nimport {\n Accordion,\n AccordionItem,\n AccordionItemTitle,\n AccordionItemBody,\n} from 'react-accessible-accordion';\nimport \"../styles/CustomAccordion.css\";\n\n//Import external libraries\nimport axios from \"axios\";\n\n//Import images\nimport AlpsBanner from \"../images/new-zealand-1.jpg\";\n\n//Import domain id\nimport config from \"../config.json\";\n\n//Import main stylesheet\nimport \"../styles/popups.css\";\n\nvar domain = config[\"domain\"];\nvar moment = require(\"moment\");\n\n//Set colours for SVG map. Pass these constants to Regional and NationalView Components\nconst RedLightFill = \"#E57373\";\nconst RedMediumFill = \"#F44336\";\nconst RedDarkFill = \"#C62828\";\nconst BlueLightFill = \"#BBDEFB\";\nconst BlueMediumFill = \"#42A5F5\";\nconst BlueDarkFill = \"#1565C0\";\n\n//Get plotly image from public folder\nconst GDPPreview = \"https://\" + domain + \"/public/Inputs/GDP.png\";\n\nconst urlForFeedToJson = feed => `https://api.rss2json.com/v1/api.json?rss_url=${feed}`;\n\n\nconst CreateToolTip = ({ title, info }) => {\n return (\n < Popup\n trigger={}\n position=\"top center\"\n >\n




      \n \n );\n};\n\n\n/**\n * Dashboard Component\n * - The main page of the app, all components in the /components folder are embedded in this component\n *\n * Props:\n * - PredictionData: The json data containing the predictions passed in from the App component\n * \n * - PlotlyIndex: json data containing the plotly indexes used to render the appropriate graphs from the plotly server. Passed into subcomponents\n *\n * State:\n * - view: The current dashboard view (a string). Toggles between national and regional\n * \n * - graphTitle : The current title of the graph displayed on the dashboard. Changes based on actions of other components\n * \n * - plotlyIndex: the number of the plotly graph currently being displayed, used to tell the iframe which graph to render\n * \n * - previewImage : the preview image of the graph currently being displayed\n * \n * - graphHeight: The height of the graph component. Changes on mobile devices. Default value is for 1080p screens\n * \n * - dashboardHeight : The height of the main dashboard (the national/regional view). Changes on mobile devices. Default value is for 1080p screens\n * \n * - SVGViewport : String specifying the size of the map SVG. Changes based on device. Default value is for 1080p screens\n * \n * - isMobileDevice : passed to other components to change their behaviour if viewing website on a mobile device\n * \n * - plotlyConnection : true/false depending on if plotly server is running. If not running, don't display Plotly Iframes, use images instead\n * \n * \n */\n\nclass Dashboard extends Component {\n constructor(props) {\n super(props);\n this.state = {\n open: false,\n view: \"National\",\n graphHeight: 700,\n dashboardHeight: 900,\n SVGViewport: \"0 0 1600 1600\",\n isMobileDevice: false,\n plotlyConnection: false,\n mediumPosts: [],\n\n graphTitle: \"\",\n idx: 0,\n previewImage: null,\n\n };\n this.ChangeViewButtonClick = this.ChangeViewButtonClick.bind(this);\n this.ChangeGraph = this.ChangeGraph.bind(this);\n this.ChangeViewToggle = this.ChangeViewToggle.bind(this);\n }\n\n onOpenModal = () => {\n this.setState({ open: true });\n };\n\n onCloseModal = () => {\n this.setState({ open: false });\n };\n\n\n componentWillMount() {\n\n\n //this.CheckPlotlyConnection();\n //this.VerifyPlotlyConnection();\n\n //Check screen width and set state variables accordingly\n\n //Laptops\n if (window.screen.width > 1200 && window.screen.width < 1500) {\n this.setState({ dashboardHeight: \"800px\" });\n } else if (window.screen.width > 1000 && window.screen.width < 1200) {\n //Large Tablets\n this.setState({ dashboardHeight: \"800px\" });\n } else if (window.screen.width > 800 && window.screen.width < 1000) {\n //Small Tablets\n this.setState({ SVGViewport: \"0 0 1800 1800\", dashboardHeight: \"800px\" });\n } else if (window.screen.width > 700 && window.screen.width < 800) {\n this.setState({\n SVGViewport: \"0 0 1500 1500\",\n graphHeight: \"500px\",\n dashboardHeight: \"1000px\",\n isMobileDevice: true\n });\n } else if (window.screen.width > 450 && window.screen.width < 700) {\n this.setState({\n SVGViewport: \"0 0 1500 1500\",\n graphHeight: \"500px\",\n dashboardHeight: \"900px\",\n isMobileDevice: true\n });\n }\n else if (window.screen.width < 450) {\n //Mobile Phones, reduce height of graph and dashboard on hover\n this.setState({\n SVGViewport: \"0 0 1100 1100\",\n graphHeight: \"300px\",\n dashboardHeight: \"850px\",\n isMobileDevice: true\n });\n }\n }\n\n /** Use axios to check if plotly server is online. Update plotlyConnection state */\n CheckPlotlyConnection() {\n let connection = true;\n axios({\n method: \"get\",\n //url: \"https://plot.ly/~tsusnjak/818/prediction-095-ci-099-ci-095-ci-099-ci-interpolated-gdp-trainingdata-actual-gdp/\",\n //url: \"https://sdfsfsd.com/\",\n url: \"https://plot.ly/\",\n timeout: 3000,\n responseType: \"text\"\n }).then(function (response) {\n if (response.status !== 200) {\n connection = false;\n }\n });\n this.setState({ plotlyConnection: connection });\n }\n\n componentDidMount() {\n //window.mediumWidget();\n fetch(urlForFeedToJson(`https://medium.com/feed/@sharedprosperitynz`))\n .then(response => {\n if (!response.ok) {\n throw Error(\"Network request failed\")\n }\n return response\n })\n .then(data => data.json())\n .then(data => {\n const dataItems = data.items\n this.setState({\n mediumPosts: dataItems,\n isLoading: true,\n test: \"pranilesh\"\n })\n }, () => {\n this.setState({\n requestFailed: true,\n mediumPosts: []\n })\n })\n }\n\n /**\n * Function VeifyPlotlyConnection\n * \n * Second version of checking Plotly responsiveness\n * \n */\n MakePlotlyRequest = async () => {\n try {\n let connection = true;\n return await axios({\n method: \"get\",\n //url: \"https://plot.ly/~tsusnjak/818.embed?link=false&modebar=false&autosize=True\",\n //url: \"https://sdfsfsd.com/\",\n url: \"https://plot.ly/\",\n timeout: 3000,\n responseType: \"text\"\n }).then(function (response) {\n if (response.status !== 200) {\n connection = false;\n }\n return connection;\n });\n } catch (error) {\n console.error(error)\n }\n }\n\n VerifyPlotlyConnection = async () => {\n const httpStatusCode = await this.MakePlotlyRequest()\n this.setState({ plotlyConnection: httpStatusCode });\n }\n\n /**\n * Function SetColour\n * \n * Check a single GDP value and return a different colour depending on what range it's in \n * \n * @param {*} GDP the GDP value to be checked \n */\n\n SetColour(GDP) {\n let mapFill = null;\n if (GDP >= 2) { mapFill = BlueDarkFill; }\n else if (GDP >= 1 && GDP < 2) { mapFill = BlueMediumFill; }\n else if (GDP > 0 && GDP < 1) { mapFill = BlueLightFill; }\n else if (GDP < 0 && GDP > -1) { mapFill = RedLightFill; }\n else if (GDP <= -1 && GDP > -2) { mapFill = RedMediumFill; }\n else if (GDP <= -2) { mapFill = RedDarkFill; }\n\n return mapFill;\n }\n\n /**\n * Updates dashboard graph. Function is sent as a prop to other components\n *\n * @param title: the new title of the graph\n * @param index: the new plotly index\n * @param image: the new preview image\n */\n\n ChangeGraph(title, index, image) {\n //Check that this is a new graph\n if (title !== this.state.graphTitle) {\n this.setState({ graphTitle: title, idx: index, previewImage: image });\n }\n }\n\n //Swap view. Called on toggle in the dashboard\n\n ChangeViewToggle() {\n if (this.refs.toggle.state.checked === true) {\n this.setState({ view: \"Regional\" });\n this.refs.toggle.state.checked = false\n } else {\n this.setState({ view: \"National\" });\n this.refs.toggle.state.checked = true\n }\n }\n\n //Swap view. Called on click of the national/regional buttons\n\n ChangeViewButtonClick(view) {\n if (view === \"National\") {\n this.setState({ view: \"National\" });\n this.refs.toggle.state.checked = true\n } else if (view === \"Regional\") {\n this.setState({ view: \"Regional\" });\n this.refs.toggle.state.checked = false\n }\n }\n\n\n\n\n\n render() {\n //Render NationalView component or RegionalView component depending on state\n /*\n let Dashboard = null;\n if (this.state.view === \"National\") {\n Dashboard = (\n \n );\n }*/\n const { open } = this.state;\n\n\n //set graphs\n //const { open } = this.state;\n let idx = this.state.idx;\n let plotlyFileName1 = this.props.IndicatorData['NonDimensional']['SPIndex']['Graphs']['Shared Prosperity Composite Index']['plotly_file_path'];\n let plotlyFileName2 = this.props.IndicatorData['NonDimensional']['SPIndex']['Graphs']['Annual Change By Dimension']['plotly_file_path'];\n let urlParametrs = \".embed?link=false&modebar=false&autosize=True\";\n\n let total_indicators = 0;\n let keys = Object.keys(this.props.IndicatorData);\n for (let key = 0; key < keys.length - 1; key++) {\n //console.log('KEY: ' + key.toString());\n //console.log('DIM: ' + this.props.IndicatorData[keys[key]]['OfficialTitle']);\n total_indicators = total_indicators + Object.keys(this.props.IndicatorData[keys[key]]['Indicators']).length\n //console.log('total_indicators: ' + total_indicators.toString())\n }\n //console.log('KEYS: ' + Object.keys(this.props.IndicatorData))\n\n let descriptionText = \" There are \" + (Object.keys(this.props.IndicatorData).length - 1).toString() + \" dimensions and \" + total_indicators.toString() + \" indicators.\"\n\n //console.log('this.state.idx:' + this.state.idx);\n\n const mediumData = this.state.mediumPosts.slice(0, 3);\n const mediumBlog = mediumData.map((article, index) =>\n \n
      \n \n \n \n \n {article.title}\n \n \n Published:{\" \"}\n {moment(article.pubDate).format(\"dddd, MMMM Do YYYY\")}\n \n \n \n
      \n \n )\n\n return (\n
      \n \n\n {/* Header includes menu, banner and overview sections */}\n\n \n {/* Scroll up button */}\n
      \n \n\n
      \n\n {/* SP Summary */}\n

      Shared Prosperity Index New Zealand

      \n \n\n

    • \n

      Overview of the Shared Prosperity Index


      \n In the 1980s, New Zealand experienced comparatively high levels of sharing with the highest score being 0.71 in 1986. It was during this time that New Zealand had a reputation of being one of the most egalitarian countries in the western world. Between 1987 and 1994, however, the level of sharing dropped steeply, falling from 0.71 to a low of 0.49. This reduction in sharing coincided with a period of political unrest, major economic changes and an economic recession from the mid 80s to the early 90s. After a snap election in 1984, the new government introduced sweeping reforms to liberalise and diversify the economy. These reforms continued under two different governments until 1993.\n

      \n Between 1990 and 2000, the level of sharing in New Zealand was fairly constant at a level of around 0.48 before rising again to a short term high of 0.55 in 2006. Again, the change in sharing seems to coincide with a change in economic performance. In 1998, the New Zealand economy entered a period of significant growth that lasted until 2006. Since 2007, the New Zealand Shared Prosperity Index has gradually decreased and has flattened out to around 0.5 in the last two years. Remarkably, the considerable slowdown of economic growth during the Global Financial Crisis in 2007 and 2008 did not have a major impact on the level of sharing, but neither has the steady economic growth in recent years.\n

      \n Looking at the annual change of each dimension over time, no consistent pattern seems to appear (e.g. the socio-economic wellbeing dimension improved in 2013 and 2015 but worsened considerably in 2014). In 2018, we see a significant increase in the safety and security dimension and a mild decrease in the housing and health dimension.\n Focusing now on the individual scores of a dimension, we observe the lowest level of sharing /inequality in the income and wealth dimension (0.38) which is in line with a global observation that in terms of wealth and income, the gap between the rich and poor is increasing. The employment dimension has the highest score (0.56) which is driven by the record highs in employment levels we currently have in New Zealand. Housing, health and education have scores just below the composite value while the deprivation, safety and security, as well as the general inequality dimensions sit above the composite value of 0.5.\n\n

    • \n\n
    • \n \n

      Shared Prosperity Composite Index

      \n \n
      this.ChangeGraph(this.props.IndicatorData['NonDimensional']['SPIndex']['DisplayGraphs'][0], 0, null)}\n style={{ display: \"block\", color: \"black\" }}\n id={this.props.IndicatorData['NonDimensional']['SPIndex']['DisplayGraphs'][0]}\n >\n \n \n \n \n


      \n \n
      \n \n \n \n \n \n\n {/* \n
    • \n
      \n \n\n
    • \n \n

      Annual Change By Dimension

      \n\n\n \n
      this.ChangeGraph(this.props.IndicatorData['NonDimensional']['SPIndex']['DisplayGraphs'][1], 1, null)}\n style={{ display: \"block\", color: \"black\" }}\n id={this.props.IndicatorData['NonDimensional']['SPIndex']['DisplayGraphs'][1]}\n >\n \n \n \n


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      \n \n


      \n \n
      \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n\n {/* Start of Inputs Display */}\n {/*\n \n */}\n {/* End of Inputs Display */}\n\n

      Latest Posts

      \n \n
      \n {mediumBlog}\n
      \n < div className=\"split clear\" >\n
      \n\n \n {/* Footer */}\n